We can provide a whole host of tried and nationally tested products that can be tailored to meet your specific or legal requirements. Please contact us with your requirement. The list below can give you an indication of what you may require:
1. Equality Impact Analysis Tool
- We have our own unique researched and established Equality Impact Analysis Tool, specifically designed for NHS managers and organisations and have been used (hundreds of times within the NHS) locally and nationally, from local policies to Hospital restructuring.
- This tool is in a single screen matrix format so that it is easier to see the various impacts on all the Protected Characteristics, it also uniquely has the addition of a ‘Risk analysis’ for Equality too. This enables Managers to understand the ‘risk’ even if they do not fully understand the concept of ‘Equality’ or ‘Due regard’
- We can also provide training on using your own Equality Impact Analysis Tool to best effect.
2. Training packages
- Equality, Diversity and Human rights (introductory for Staff induction)
- Diversity and Ethics (from own produced NVQ level 3 module)
- Unconscious Bias
- Concept of Equality
- Culture and Engagement
- Difference
- Business Continuity (Emergency Planning)
- HealthWatch ‘Enter & View’ training (click for further information)
3. Engagement resources
- Bespoke Patient and Public Engagement event management
- Large scale Equality Impact Consultation exercises
- Staff Engagement and Staff survey Action Planning
- Corporate and Board Stress reduction therapies and Coaching (through our associates at Edensgate Hypnotherapy). Please see here Bansi Shah’s profile.
4. Resources
- Information and Fact sheets specific and relevant to your service
- Word-Bank, a customisable dictionary pluggin that helps people with whatever their learning ability understand words on websites and access information (through our associates at ). Get a 6 month free trial through Engagement & Equality Solution!
- Fun learning exercises and Quizzes